WUDC Botswana Breaking Teams

The break was read about 20 minutes ago. Here’s what I was able to get. Sorry for errors and incompleteness, but some people really just don’t know how to use a microphone!



1. Zagreb A (13)

2. Belgrade B (13)

3. Tokyo B (12)

4. Venezuela B (points unread)

5. Venezuela A (points unread)

6. ?? A (12) (?)

7. Indonesia B (points unread)

8. ??? (11)



1. ILUM B (16)

2. Ljubljana A (15)

3. Stuttgart A (15)

4. UCTI A (15)

5. ???? (15)

6. Leiden B (14)

7. UMAC A (14)

8. Lahore A (14)

9. Berlin B (14)

10. Indonesia A (14)

11. IIUMC (14) (??)

12. Gutenberg A (14)

13. Koc A (14)

14. Berlin A (13)

15. Ljubljana C (13)

16. Haifa A (13)


MAIN BREAK (For some reason, total speaker points were read for part of the break. I’ll add them when they were read).


1. (24) (1528) Monash A

2. (22) (1522) Sydney A

3. (21) (1489) Cambridge A

4. (21) (1484) Oxford C

5. (21) (1482) TCD HIst B

6. (20) Oxford A

7. (20) Hart House A

8. (20) Cambridge B

9. (20) Durham C

10. (20) Monash C

11. (20) Oxford D

12. (20) Sydney D

13. (19) Sydney C

14. (19) Monash B

15. (19) NUS A

16. (19) Alaska A

17. (19) King’s Inn A

18. (19) ANU A

19. (19) UCD Law A

20. (19) Yale A

21. (19) ANU B

22. (19) Alaska A

23. (18) Sydney B

24. (18) LSE A

25. (18) Oxford D (?)

26. (18) Melbourne A

27. (18) (1433) UNSW A 

28. (18) (1426) Yale C

29. (18) (1423) McGill A 

30. (18) (1417) Vermont B

31. (18) (1409) Cambridge C

32. (18) (1406) TCD Hist A

The judges break was read so quickly and people chatted through it, so it’s not worth posting what I managed to scrawl down. 

Happy New Year Everyone![[posterous-content:pid___0]]
