Debate's Missing Manual
I’ve been doing some side-research this morning, which means I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing and instead poking around in an early stage of a…
4 min read
The Classroom as a Public Space
A blurry photo of one of the classrooms I teach in I engage in a fantasy that the classroom functions as a public space. That is, the classroom…
4 min read
The End of the University
Not in a teleological sense, but otherwise. This guy thinks that the University will be irrelevant in a few years. The only question I have after reading this…
4 min read
Eliminate Public Speaking
I used to range from laughter to anger when I heard people talk about the need to eliminate public speaking as a requirement from university curriculum. However, there…
4 min read
Planning the Talk
Here’s my idea so far: Central Question: What is the proper relationship between debate and rhetoric?Petitio: What relationship, if any, do they have now? Lead in with some…
4 min read
The dreaded “Talk”
A week from tomorrow I’m giving a talk at Queens College on rhetoric and philosophy, and I’m not sure exactly how to do it. I think the “talk”…
4 min read
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