Good Old Zizek
Chatting on Skype with one of my Slovenian friends the other night revealed that he had just attended a lecture by Zizek earlier in the evening. I was…
4 min read
Conservative intellectuals
Yesterday in my office two students and I were having a discussion that culminated in an unanswerable question for us. Where are the conservative intellectuals? this was the…
4 min read
Behind the Scenes at Baruch Regionals
A photo from inside the NYU apartment, very nice! The first night of the tournament I had one of the best times I’ve had in a while. Before…
4 min read
New Debate Format?
Got this email off of the British Debate listserv. They are establishing an interesting new format that focuses on audience participation called Policy Slam. This is from Debate…
4 min read
Microlecturing sounds like the worst idea ever. However, as a part of a larger online course, it could be a better idea than a glossary. Seems a bit…
4 min read
Baruch Tournament Semifinal
What do you think?
4 min read
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