Cork Worlds 2009 – Post 1
Yes I realize I am terrible at keeping up things here while I’m off and about doing debate stuff. It’s such a great time and there are always…
4 min read
Here tonight at the dorms in Maribor, Slovenia after the first day of the tournament. Going sort of average for the teams so far, but I hope they…
4 min read
IDAS is imminent
On Friday I leave with a small group of students for my third trip to Slovenia for the International Debate Academy. It’s definitely a good time, and I…
4 min read
Someone's Job is Someone's Escape
This morning, taking it a little easy, I tripped over a text based video game called Violet. In the past I often wondered if there is video game…
4 min read
Mahabharata – Oldest Debate Ever?
Heard a very good talk today on the Mahabharata. It was delivered by my friend, a professor in the fine arts department, who also happens to have a…
4 min read
Workshops for Faculty
Last week I did my first faculty workshop on using debate as a teaching tool. It was well attended (about 27 faculty came around lunchtime) and we had…
4 min read
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