Judging at World Schools
If you are interested in the variety of cultural difference in global debate, the most interesting variance is in how judging is treated. even though I have judged…
4 min read
World Schools Debate Championships
I’m here for the weekend in Washington D.C. for the World Schools Debate tournament. There are teams from all over the world who went through rigorous selection processes…
4 min read
Adversarial versus Agonistic in American Politics
I would like to be able to claim that I was dissapointed with Obama’s acceptance speech from Denver last night, but I wasn’t. It was so mind-numbingly predictable…
4 min read
Video Game Maker Apologizes for All-White Character Selection
I just think it is so sad that the apology for this mistake is “a total oversight.” Does that really make them feel better? G4 – The Feed…
4 min read
The Saddleback Church Forum – Debate or not?
I know this post is a bit untimely, but after thinking about the Saddleback church civil forum, I wonder why Rick Warren decided to distance it from a…
4 min read
Obama: Are You What You Read?
Man, I’m up early today and except for getting the trash out before nine, I’m not really sure what else I can do while waiting on a delivery…
4 min read
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