A Conference In Qatar

I just returned about two days ago from delivering a paper at the First Annual International Conference on Debate and Dialogue hosted by Qatar Debate. It was an amazing conference with a lot to think about. Mostly I think this is because the conference forced everyone to complete papers before attending, something that would improve any communication conference I have ever attended.

Here’s the full video of my talk as a part of the conference. This panel was a full house, dealing with educational perspectives and debating. Most of the audience were Arabic teachers, many different subjects, but were very positive in their response to my talk.

I have a lot of thoughts about the conference that I tried to vlog, but my GoPro failed in the most spectacular way – it looked like everything was recording and it confirmed each video in the usual way. Then when I went to look at the SD card, it was empty. I’ve never seen such a failure from a camera of any kind before, and it really makes me think I should not rely on the GoPro for vlogging anymore. Of course it failed when I was in this brand new place on the other side of the world, meeting people that I wouldn’t typically be able to meet at a conference in the US or the EU.

More to come about the ICDD in some more reflective posts this week and next. I have a lot of responses, all positive!
