Author: Steve
The Lonely Office Hour: Episode 2
It only took one episode before we had a guest show up to the lonely office hour. This episode is about perception in the classroom and how to use it as a resource – if you can?
Why I Like Doctor Who
I discovered Doctor Who when I was starting high school. Late Saturday nights on PBS stories were shown without breaks for hours and hours every week. I loved watching it and thinking about how incredibly strange and radical the ideas in the show were. Without internet, I also wondered how or why British TV shows…
Winning Arguments Podcast & Behind the Scenes
Here’s the latest episode of “Winning Arguments,” a podcast I’m doing with some friends I’ve made who work with Canonical Debate Lab. What we’ve been trying to do is build the podcast in public, meaning we share the run up, pre-show and all meetings about the podcast, then have the episode separate. I’m sharing the…
SSRU Podcast: What Is Good Biography?
Just got back from Philadelphia – lots of amazing experiences and conversations there. This one has stuck in my mind: What makes a good biography? I give you some of my thoughts and bits of the conversation and I await your ideas about this question. Please leave a comment or share this if you liked…
SSRU #5: Why is Writing so Scary?
Why are we so terrified of writing?Why do we avoid it when we can? It’s because we don’t have rich ways of understanding it via metaphor. Have a listen!
SSRU Podcast #4: Start the Day with Making
My podcast that is an attempt at voice-blogging in the micropodcast form
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