Author: Steve
A Year of Online Debating – Reflections and Lessons Learned – New Podcast Episode In this new episode of In the Bin, I chat with Will Silberman who has tabbed a ton of British Parliamentary format debate tournaments here in the United States. We talk about the past 13 months of online debate, what questions about debate it raises, what mistakes were made, and what benefits came out…
The Biggest Problem for Universities are Students
The biggest problem in teaching right now is students. Not the people in the classroom who have paid (or someone paid) for them to be there, but the idea or conception of student itself. The notion of “students” as distinct from “teacher” is obvious but there are deeper implications here, such as student as different…
Kenneth Burke’s Terministic Screens – A Conversation Here’s the latest episode of my podcast, In The Bin, where we discuss Kenneth Burke’s idea of “terministic screens.” Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below or you can record a comment or question and send it to us through the Anchor website.
Discussing Kenneth Burke’s Essay “The Virtues and Limitations of Debunking” This essay is one of my absolute favorites to teach in argumentation. My friend Dan and I take it on in an hour long conversation on the latest podcast. Every year the students complain about this essay mostly because of Burke’s eccentric writing style. I’ve tried different ways of teaching it over the years,…
New Podcast Episode on Free Speech Debates and Rhetoric
Check out the newest episode of my #rhetoric #oratory and #debate podcast In the Bin. In this episode I chat with Dr. Joe Sery who studies First Amendment and free expression issues about arguing about platforming, academic free speech, judicial originalism, and more! Have a listen and all comments are welcome.
What is the Future of Speech, Oratory, and Rhetoric?
Delighted to participate in the 2021 World Speech Day at the invitation of Simon Gibson who founded World Speech Day to celebrate and educate everyone on the power of oratory. On this panel we all consider the question of what the future of speech looks like for humanity after the global pandemic experience we’ve all…
Engaging the creative works of creators who are problematic
I was invited on the Essence of Wonder podcast last weekend to participate in a very interesting and stimulating discussion about whether we should engage with the works of authors and creators who have expressed problematic viewpoints. I really enjoyed the thoughtful conversation. It raised a lot of new ways to think about the issue…
Innovative, Powerful and Unpredictable Debate Arguments
I am in the process of cleaning out my apartment, which honestly I have never done, or perhaps never done well. I kept a lot of junk. Not sure why I have so much, but I think that’s what happens to you through living. I have been digging around for some paper copies of materials…
New Rhetoric Lecture Videos on my YouTube and Vimeo Channels
Still struggling through the question of whether or not YouTube is a good place to host lecture videos for American students who often have to pay thousands of dollars anyway to take a course. I am sure I would resent having to watch advertisements before or during a video that provided important discussion of concepts…
New In the Bin Podcast on the Teaching of Rhetoric and the Fallacies
You can also listen to this episode and others at where we host the show. At that site you can drop us a voice note or message as well. What other topics in speech, presentation, oratory, argumentation, or debate would you like to hear about? We are open to all ideas.
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