Author: Steve
The Toulmin Model and its Continued Influence over Argumentation
Here’s a new episode of my podcast, In the Bin! On this episode my friend Dan and I discuss the continued influence of the ideas of Stephen Toulmin, author of many books but most notably Uses of Argument where he introduced the world to what we now know as the Toulmin Model of Argumentation. Listen…
The Return of the Oral Exam to American Universities
I’ve been doing some reading into the long tradition of the oral exam, something we’ve given up on in the United States. In many other countries the oral exam isn’t just normal, it’s expected. Some countries even require an oral exam to graduate from university. The standard format is a series of questions that are…
That Semi-Annual Introduction to Rhetoric Talk
By now regular visitors to the blog should be aware of my twice a year sojourn to Cornell University to introduce a fairly good number of Cornell students to the art of rhetoric. Of course since they are alive human beings in their 20s who are in college they have been practicing rhetoric for quite…
In the Bin Visits France in this New Episode
Another new episode of In the Bin is now ready for your ears. Listen here or you can choose to listen through the podcast provider of your choice. The series is everywhere. at you can leave us a voice message. We’d love to hear from you and might even play it on a future…
Recognizing what’s missing from teaching debate in an online class format
I made the choice to change my debate course to something more active from something where we discuss and analyze the role of debate in society through the meta. In the past, students would discuss, write, and speak about various debates in a hope to evaluate the role and purpose of the discourse we call…
Why the National Communication Association Should Host Public Debates at the Annual Conventions
I have been attening the NCA Convention nearly every year since 2003. At first I was enamored and loved it. Now, almost 10 years later, I’m a bit more cynical about it. Going into a nearly empty room to hear someone read a paper composed for the eye in a soft voice is not necessarily…
New Podcast Episode: When Should We Not Debate and How Do We Know?
The latest In the Bin Podcast is about refusal to debate, or how we understand times when we can’t debate for various reasons. Have a listen!
New Podcast: Possibilities and Potential between debate and the university
This special late night post is to let you know that In the Bin is back in regular production. This was a wonderful conversation between Matt and I about the issues facing debate and facing the university today. We discuss the role of debate in the classroom and the promise of creating a center for…
The Unexpected Pause
I didn’t mean to leave this site empty for so long. Unfortunately, I contracted COVID-19 and have been out of commission for nearly three weeks. I’m finally feeling better, and my struggles to summit this mountain of work are paying off. So it’s time to return to writing some interesting things from time to time.…
Paper Or Plastic?
I love technology and computers and all that, but I will never be able to give up having a paper diary to keep my day-to-day life organized. I took some time over Christmas and New Year’s to chill out, and after that took this planner I ordered off the shelf and started filling it in.…
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