Author: Steve
Rough Day
Sleep In Saturday was followed by Suck It Sunday, which started with a lot of joy and positive energy that within an hour of waking up collapsed into misery. My poor wonderful partner came down with food poisoning right before she was going to head to an event she looked forward to all week. It…
Sleep in Saturday
Woke up about 7:40 which is late for me. Allergies have subsided, so I don’t think I’m getting sick I just feel like I have a cold which is the special superpower of allergies: All the feelings and nothing you can do about it. I took a tablet and I’m just waiting for it to…
Amateur Hour
Looks like I’ve already made myself sick. I have the weakest immune system – well, weaker than anyone I know. And after a week of student interaction, I feel pretty crummy. Lots of head congestion and slowness. But I won’t give up the blog challenge! I press on! Another late entry. I think the later…
Dancing on the Line
Nearly didn’t make it. Had one of those 13 hour days that you always hear about professors having. Working continuously with some short and nice breaks, but having too much to deal with in order to really do write-thinking which is different than get-these-tasks-done thinking. Had a pretty good day of debate interaction which made…
I sort of love my job
It’s Wednesday, but the University says it’s Monday so everything is flipped over. Because they want the teaching schedule to be a certain way (1 hour and 20 minute classes across the board twice a week with Wednesday as a more open day) they have to flip the schedule from time to time to make…
The Well of Debate Tropes
Currently Playing: Loreena McKennitt – An Ancient Muse The old issues of The Journal of the American Forensic Association are some of my favorite things to leaf through to generate thinking. This journal, edited by debate teachers, was filled with the thoughts of those who immersed themselves in debating as a vocation. As the 1980s…
I Hate The Syllabus
To quote the philosopher Chuck D, “Hate is a strong word, but I hate the snow.” These are some of the words I most clearly remember from my days at Syracuse University. Syracuse is a place for people who love snow, or at least it doesn’t bother them. At Syracuse I had a lot of…
A Daily Happening: The Intellectual Practice
I am going to go on record with the commitment to try to post every day here. I have such a nice page, such a nice blog, and it gets ignored. It’s the perfect place to work on ideas by sharing them with an imagined audience (aren’t they all at some level?). So why don’t…
The Motion: Live Debate Education debate on Islamic Culture in the United States
The Motion: Live Debate Education is a monthly club that meets in Manhattan to debate pressing and important issues in order to improve the debate abilities of the members. It is a safe, non-partisan space for the consideration of argument quality. I advise them on various issues from time to time, and one of my…
Review of The Motion’s debate on whether religion is a harm or good to society
I had the opportunity to attend a debate held by The Motion in New York on Wednesday, here’s my commentary about the round. I am sorry the recording is not great quality, but I made it as good as I could! Next time I’ll get closer to the speakers. The Motion is an amazing community…
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