Category: Podcast
SSRU Podcast: What Is Good Biography?
Just got back from Philadelphia – lots of amazing experiences and conversations there. This one has stuck in my mind: What makes a good biography? I give you some of my thoughts and bits of the conversation and I await your ideas about this question. Please leave a comment or share this if you liked…
SSRU #5: Why is Writing so Scary?
Why are we so terrified of writing?Why do we avoid it when we can? It’s because we don’t have rich ways of understanding it via metaphor. Have a listen!
SSRU Podcast #4: Start the Day with Making
My podcast that is an attempt at voice-blogging in the micropodcast form
SSRU Podcast #3: Consumption
This is the Sophistic Steve Rhetorical Universe podcast, my attempt at voice-blogging in the micro-podcast format.
SSRU Podcast Episode 2: Facebook and Civic Discourse
In this second episode of my experimentation with orality, I consider the relationship between social media and public discourse. Facebook could do one easy thing in terms of standards that might go a long way toward stopping the infection that is spreading pretty quickly into public discourse. Let me know what you think of this…
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