Taking a (semi) break from posting through the new year, but will be posting when I feel like it over the winter break. There’s just too much to do and work on during this break from teaching, and I find myself running out of time to post here with my normal regularity. But in January I’ll be posting 2 to 3 times a week, like always.
The break appears to be long, but isn’t. It’s an illusion. And my plan is to set up my debate course to center around questions of government. What should government do or not do seems to be a good orienting category or cabinet that we can put a ton of topics in there to play with. The recent poverty of discourse surrounding Constitutional Originalism with the Barrett hearings is my inspiration for doing it this way. We’ll look at The Federalist Papers for this part of the class, then move into the necessity of the Supreme Court – an institution that is really pushing up against its already marginal utility in a democratic order.
This course is a huge overhaul so it takes some time. The other courses are not big overhauls, but I realize I need to have about 10 times the instructional videos that I think I need for each one. So I’ll be working on making those and trying to do some things other than the chromakey, which I don’t think students like as much as I thought they would. I think instead they like a certain style of address that I think you can capture with a different shooting arrangement.
So the essays will return after the new year on a regular schedule. I still might publish something here and there over the next couple of weeks, so make sure to subscribe via email to get notified when new posts happen.
Have a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday and a great New Year’s Eve and Day!