A week from tomorrow I’m giving a talk at Queens College on rhetoric and philosophy, and I’m not sure exactly how to do it.
I think the “talk” is a dreaded activity by most members of the audience. I think that people giving “talks” think of the talk in the terms of the audience, and then deliver something that meets some if not all of those dreadful expectations.
I’m trying to think of a way around it and a way of making the talk a bit more interactive as well as appear to be something that everyone has already thought about before – the theme in my head now is that the world fails to explain itself, and these two discourses are attempts to get an explanation.
On top of this I’m preparing talks for my trip to Japan in June to do lectures, and I hope that from this talk I can get a sense of how well or poorly my innovative methods do. I also should keep in mind I think the particularities of the Japanese audience as well.
I may video the presentation and put it up here because in reality it is a secret appeal to start a debate program at Queens College. Hope you can keep a secret!