Amazing banquet underway in the Great Hall of Hart House. There was a public speaking master’s round, lobster bisque, and amazing chicken. Here is the break list. Rounds are to begin at around 9AM tomorrow. Well, that’s when they told the judges to show up, so give or take. I plan to video most of the elimination rounds. I will post links over the next few days for these debates, once I get them converted. Breaking teams
McGill SS (14)
Carleton MC (13)
UBC CH (12)
Queens EW (12)
Western TR (12)
UBC CJ (11)
RMC H R (11)
McGill HS (11)
Alaska GS (11)
UVM AN (10)
Dalhousie/Carleton MR (10)
Queens HB (10)
McGill BV (10)
Cornell BY (10)
UVM GL (10)
Alberta BI (10)
Hart House Breaking Teams
- Elections (3)
- Higher Education (7)
- Pedagogy (4)
- Personal – null (4)
- Podcast (6)
- political debate (2)
- Politics (2)
- Rhetoric (4)
- Tournament Debate (2)
- Uncategorized (1,060)
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