Contemporary Argumentation And Debate just published

The newest issue of Contemporary Argumentation and Debate has just been published online and via open access. If you are interested in debating at all, you should read it.

The editors have done an amazing job with this issue – and for international readers it will give you a sense of where the attention of American debate is right now. My essay is an outlier, absolutely. European readers will be fascinated by the areas of attention that American debate practitioners who write find important.

Looking at this journal side-by-side with the recent Monash Debate Review is a cool way to see where the loci of importance live in the international debating culture and the American one (as very distinct from the American one that is venturing into BP).

Yes, it’s amazing – debate is subject to the general articulation of material and cultural concerns before its identity and value can be spoken. Proven yet again!
