Being Your Own Professor
What Happens if the Republicans Withdraw from the Presidential Debates?
Three Understandings of Rhetoric
bell hooks
Writing Habits; Writing Hinderance
New Year, New Rhetoric
Episode 3 of the Lonely Office Hour
Animal Crossing
The Lonely Office Hour: Episode 2
The Lonely Office Hour
The Worst Part about Current Political Rhetoric
Why I Like Doctor Who
Winning Arguments Podcast & Behind the Scenes
SSRU Podcast: What Is Good Biography?
SSRU #5: Why is Writing so Scary?
SSRU Podcast #4: Start the Day with Making
Rhetoric Itself
SSRU Podcast #3: Consumption
Legal Argumentation Course Update
Building an Argumentation Podcast in Public
The Hottest New Voting Trend
SSRU Podcast Episode 2: Facebook and Civic Discourse
The Four Book Rule for Course Design
Sophistic Steve Podcast #1: The Experiment in Orality
When we call for "National Debate," What is it We Want?
Playing With Substack
New York City, Rhetoric, Invention
Planning a Course in Legal Argumentation
Speaking Into the Air
Rhetoric, Oratory, Argumentation, and Debate
The Canonical Debate Lab is on a Mission to Clean Up Internet Debate
New Podcast Episode: Rhetoric, Pedagogy, and Post-Structuralism
Cooking and Debating: Debating and the Need for a New Metaphor
Should Students Speak about Controversy in the Public Speaking Class?
That’s Not Relevant
A Year of Online Debating – Reflections and Lessons Learned – New Podcast Episode
The Biggest Problem for Universities are Students
Kenneth Burke’s Terministic Screens – A Conversation
Discussing Kenneth Burke’s Essay “The Virtues and Limitations of Debunking”
New Podcast Episode on Free Speech Debates and Rhetoric
What is the Future of Speech, Oratory, and Rhetoric?
Engaging the creative works of creators who are problematic
Innovative, Powerful and Unpredictable Debate Arguments
New Rhetoric Lecture Videos on my YouTube and Vimeo Channels
New In the Bin Podcast on the Teaching of Rhetoric and the Fallacies
The Toulmin Model and its Continued Influence over Argumentation
The Return of the Oral Exam to American Universities
That Semi-Annual Introduction to Rhetoric Talk
In the Bin Visits France in this New Episode
Recognizing what’s missing from teaching debate in an online class format
Why the National Communication Association Should Host Public Debates at the Annual Conventions
New Podcast Episode: When Should We Not Debate and How Do We Know?
New Podcast: Possibilities and Potential between debate and the university
The Unexpected Pause
Paper Or Plastic?
A Podcast on the Relationship Between Music and Argument
There are Topics Not Worth Debating. How Do We Know?
Considering Two Films about Desire
A First Resolution for 2021, emphasis on “resolution.”
Holidays, Celebrate (Just One Day I Would Like)
What is a Desirable Debating Culture?
Finally a Big Snowstorm in Queens
Who Gets to Determine the Available Arguments on an Issue?
The Reason that Debating is as Important to Education as Writing
What is Missed in Calls to Return to In-Person Teaching
Principles of University Teaching for the post-COVID 19 Campus
Principles of University Teaching for the post-COVID 19 Campus
Abandoning Facebook, Instagram, and their Derivatives
Classroom Podcasting or Video Lectures?
Feeling Gratitude
Remembering Brad Smith
The Week Ahead
What’s in a Debate Name?
We’re Hiring Someone who Does Debate, What do you Think?
Rhetoric, Kairos, Metallica, and PBS
Favorite American History Documents and The Pedagogy of Argument and Debate
Why I am Looking Forward to Grading This Week
Competitive Debate is not in the Hands of Educators
Procrasti Nation
Is There Anything to say about Yesterday’s Speeches?
I Gave an Impromptu Lecture on Debate and it wasn’t Terrible
Wading into the Relationship between Professor and Teacher
The Problem with My Lecture Videos
Explaining Pragmadialectics to Undergraduates, or Why Do I Assign Readings Like This?
The Dissolving Federalist Papers
What the Lincoln-Douglas Debates Teach Us about Political Debating
What is Real Debate?
What Chris Wallace Should Have Done as Moderator of That Horrible Debate
What Chris Wallace Should Have Done as Moderator of That Horrible Debate
How to Watch National Political Debates, such as the U.S. Presidential Debates
The Presidential Debates in the Context of How Bad We Are at having Debates at Any Kind
The Best Structural Change Would be to Stop Debating
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