Tag: argumentation
How To Survive the Thanksgiving Political Arguments
Happy Thanksgiving, readers! Tomorrow is Turkey day and if the Northern State Parkway was any indication on Monday, stress is high. I’ve never seen so many accidents. Perhaps our minds aren’t where they should be because we are dreading that Uncle or Aunt coming to dinner and trying to start fights about Trump or Harris…
The Canonical Debate Lab is on a Mission to Clean Up Internet Debate
https://anchor.fm/inthebin/episodes/The-Canonical-Debate-Lab-Can-Internet-Debating-Have-Value-e10ao4h In this latest episode, I chat with the co-founders of the Canonical Debate Lab about their project to establish a way to collect, store, and provide arguments to the world to improve decision making. I’m joined by Timothy High and Bentley Davis to talk about how computers, coding, and the internet can hopefully improve…
New Rhetoric Lecture Videos on my YouTube and Vimeo Channels
Still struggling through the question of whether or not YouTube is a good place to host lecture videos for American students who often have to pay thousands of dollars anyway to take a course. I am sure I would resent having to watch advertisements before or during a video that provided important discussion of concepts…
New In the Bin Podcast on the Teaching of Rhetoric and the Fallacies
You can also listen to this episode and others at Anchor.fm/inthebin where we host the show. At that site you can drop us a voice note or message as well. What other topics in speech, presentation, oratory, argumentation, or debate would you like to hear about? We are open to all ideas.
The Toulmin Model and its Continued Influence over Argumentation
Here’s a new episode of my podcast, In the Bin! On this episode my friend Dan and I discuss the continued influence of the ideas of Stephen Toulmin, author of many books but most notably Uses of Argument where he introduced the world to what we now know as the Toulmin Model of Argumentation. Listen…
Favorite American History Documents and The Pedagogy of Argument and Debate
Two days ago, someone asked me what my favorite American historical text was. It wasn’t that weird of a question: This is the time of year where I start to plan out my next semester’s courses and figure out the themes I want to teach. Something that has been on my mind since the Amy…
Explaining Pragmadialectics to Undergraduates, or Why Do I Assign Readings Like This?
Well another week, another slew of video lectures to record. I much prefer doing it this way to doing it on Zoom live or something. At least this way I can say everything I need to, and the students can use it more as a reference rather than a one-off “I attended” check box sort…
A Course Description for a Class About Argumentation
A friend of mine clued me into a new program called Gitbook, which is sort of like a blog, but more of a private journal/documentation site. I signed up for one, but not sure if I am going to use it. It might be a great place to keep notes on the classes I’m currently…
Bad Teaching, Bad Graduate Student Mentoring, Bad Pedagogy
There really isn’t such a thing as “graduate student pedagogy,” but I thought I would write about it anyway. I’m always hopeful about it, but I know why it doesn’t exist: People who want to teach graduate students don’t understand how teaching works, they aren’t interested in thinking or talking about teaching, and they also…
Responding to General Criticisms of Debate
I find it very strange that there are still critiques that are alive and well of the practice of the art of debate. You would think that in an era of tea parties, conservative talk (shout?) radio, and a collection of some of the most incapable public officials in the art of justification, explanation and…
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