Tag: buddhism
Yuzen, a buddhist monk from the Sōtō Zen sect begging at Oigawa, Kyoto. Begging is part of the training of some Buddhist sects. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) It’s one thing to go around spouting off Buddhist quotes because they sound good, or because they are apt to the situation/audience (like a good Sophist does, so I…
Teaching Debate From The Wrong Book
It’s late and I should have gone home a while ago. I did plan on going straight home but it’s just too tempting to go talk and have a drink with my fantastic colleague and a brilliant graduate student (and former student of her’s). We are talking about strategy, for the most part. How to…
The Weeekend, Reflection
No tournament for me this weekend, so a bit of time to reflect on teaching and work on scholarship. As a full time faculty member, debate teaching is just one part of my job. Teaching and research are the other 2/3rds of it. Anyway, here is a great quote about teaching that I recently found…
Style and Performance and Argument
Image via Wikipedia Lama Tsony on Crazy Wisdom Crazy Wisdom is a new film about the life of Chogyam Trunga. I like this piece from Tricycle because of the metaphor – “he embodied a quality of fearlessness that was like licking honey off a razor blade.” Getting the best out of a precarious and harmful situation…
Pedagogy of Skillful Means
My body seems to know when I have weekends off from debate and schedules all my illnesses for those times. Yesterday and today I’ve been fighting a nasty cough and not really feeling motivated to do much of anything. I’m about to take my laundry down in a few, and I went grocery shopping yesterday,…
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