Tag: debate pedagogy
Is Debate about Serving Your Arguments, or Serving the Ends of Debate Itself?
Debate’s structure makes structural demands on speakers. When entering a debate, one enters carrying the immense ideological weight of what you think a debate should look like. All the debates you’ve seen, all that you have thought debate is and should be, every debate you’ve hated and enjoyed – we all walk into the debate…
Cooking and Debating: Debating and the Need for a New Metaphor
The history of American intercollegiate debate practice is mostly the tracking of metaphors. Debate instructors and debate practice has always been connected to some metaphor that communicates the value and importance of debate as an educational practice. Since the mid 20th century, that metaphor has only been “fair competition” and further reduced to “fair tournament…
Innovative, Powerful and Unpredictable Debate Arguments
I am in the process of cleaning out my apartment, which honestly I have never done, or perhaps never done well. I kept a lot of junk. Not sure why I have so much, but I think that’s what happens to you through living. I have been digging around for some paper copies of materials…
Recognizing what’s missing from teaching debate in an online class format
I made the choice to change my debate course to something more active from something where we discuss and analyze the role of debate in society through the meta. In the past, students would discuss, write, and speak about various debates in a hope to evaluate the role and purpose of the discourse we call…
New Podcast Episode: When Should We Not Debate and How Do We Know?
The latest In the Bin Podcast is about refusal to debate, or how we understand times when we can’t debate for various reasons. Have a listen!
A First Resolution for 2021, emphasis on “resolution.”
If I have one thing that I want to establish over the course of next year is the elimination of the phrase “public debate.” I used this term a lot without understanding the full implications of the insidious nature of this phrase. It’s used by those who are deeply involved in the world of tournament-contest…
Favorite American History Documents and The Pedagogy of Argument and Debate
Two days ago, someone asked me what my favorite American historical text was. It wasn’t that weird of a question: This is the time of year where I start to plan out my next semester’s courses and figure out the themes I want to teach. Something that has been on my mind since the Amy…
The Dissolving Federalist Papers
Still no sign of my ancient copy of The Federalist Papers but for some reason Amazon gave me a 15 dollar discount on a Kindle version of them, so I’m good to go for my super-awesome procrastination plan of reading them through instead of doing any actual work. I feel like a rhetorical defense of…
Evidence-Based Debate
American policy debate fundamentalists have found a new phrase to martial in their panicked defense of their practices. I don’t know why they feel so threatened; policy debate can easily co-exist with many different debating styles. But fundamentalism ensures that there is an either/or, a very significant conflict where the stakes are the highest they…
Ballance and Praxis in the Argumentation Curriculum
Me preparing my lecture for teaching mid-century NDT debate for class I’m tagging all the posts about my emergency last-minute pick up argumentation class with the tag “pick up” so you can easily search for them if you want updates on how that’s going. This is one of them. The only reasonable approach that I…
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