Tag: logical fallacies
New Rhetoric Lecture Videos on my YouTube and Vimeo Channels
Still struggling through the question of whether or not YouTube is a good place to host lecture videos for American students who often have to pay thousands of dollars anyway to take a course. I am sure I would resent having to watch advertisements before or during a video that provided important discussion of concepts…
New In the Bin Podcast on the Teaching of Rhetoric and the Fallacies
You can also listen to this episode and others at Anchor.fm/inthebin where we host the show. At that site you can drop us a voice note or message as well. What other topics in speech, presentation, oratory, argumentation, or debate would you like to hear about? We are open to all ideas.
What about Straw Dogs?
A fairly basic article on the “Straw Man” fallacy. But since fallacies are notoriously difficult to sex, perhaps we could call it the scarecrow fallacy? Or the straw dog? Or straw person? I do like the idea of the Burning Man and Iron Man fallacies. We can keep those that way because of the cool…
I absolutely hate the transition from spring to summer. My conversion into the enemy of my childhood self is complete. When I was younger this was my favorite moment of the year. Now it just means I don’t get to do any of the things I like to do for three months. And it’s a…
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