Tag: professor
New Podcast Episode on Free Speech Debates and Rhetoric
Check out the newest episode of my #rhetoric #oratory and #debate podcast In the Bin. In this episode I chat with Dr. Joe Sery who studies First Amendment and free expression issues about arguing about platforming, academic free speech, judicial originalism, and more! Have a listen and all comments are welcome.
I Gave an Impromptu Lecture on Debate and it wasn’t Terrible
Not advisable, but I gave this lecture as a favor to a friend last minute. It went a lot better than I hoped it would. The question I’ve been thinking about endlessly this year is: How do we recover a workable, everyday model of debate? I explore some of these ideas here. It must be…
Wading into the Relationship between Professor and Teacher
For some reason I have been reflecting on my career and work a lot lately, probably because I’m starting to feel strange about how the days are not broken up by wandering from room to room at the university. Those walks are so essential for clearing the head as you are preparing to teach, or…
Required Reading is Draconian and Stupid
Professors, stop requiring reading. Instead, require engagement. Require response. Require conversation. Require a challenge. It seems incredibly sad that I have to say this, but requiring someone to do something because you are an expert or an authority is not how you teach. This is more along the lines of how to be a bad…
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