Tag: reflection

  • Up Early With a Dog

    My life has radically changed since I was last blogging. I moved to the suburbs, got a dog, a partner, a car, and I’m up before the sun. My partner gets up early for work so I get up pretty early too. I think it’s nice to have some time in the morning together. As…

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  • Paper Or Plastic?

    I love technology and computers and all that, but I will never be able to give up having a paper diary to keep my day-to-day life organized. I took some time over Christmas and New Year’s to chill out, and after that took this planner I ordered off the shelf and started filling it in.…

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  • The Week Ahead

    I thought I would start making the Monday post something a bit more personal and reflective, a snapshot of where my mind is for the week, and make the other 2 to 3 posts more “publishable” posts than the Monday ones. I’m thinking blogging is far superior to social media as it forces you to…

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