Tag: writing
Archiving and Backup
Finding some pretty striking and pretty sad draft posts in my Google Drive, which honestly I haven’t looked at in many years. I started using OneDrive and Word exclusively a while ago and cleaned out my Google Drive to save money. I put everything on my NAS and deleted it from Drive except for the…
I think I’ve finally done it. I’ve finally added the archive of every blogpost I’ve ever done (with a few exceptions) to this site. I think the earliest post here is now 2005 or 2006, when I was still studying rhetoric at the University of Pittsburgh. There’s not a lot of interesting stuff back in…
Writing Studies
Writing studies seems so much more serious than anything going on in speech communication rhetoric to me these days. I think what’s most attractive is the focus on the idea of pedagogy. This requires the assumption that people can change if we give them opportunity to do so, and that opportunity exists in the carefully…
Moving is one of these things that is so disruptive it’s hard to consider it as anything other than disruption itself. There is no way – at least for me – to put things where they go since there is no where they go when you are in a new spot. Luckily I have a…
Paper Or Plastic?
I love technology and computers and all that, but I will never be able to give up having a paper diary to keep my day-to-day life organized. I took some time over Christmas and New Year’s to chill out, and after that took this planner I ordered off the shelf and started filling it in.…
Three Movements in the Teaching of Uncertainty Rhetoric
I’ve been talking a lot about writing process with a friend, from the start of composition and generation of ideas to the way that a thesis gets mapped out, or at least how I do it. So through these conversations about something totally unrelated to this post, I’ve been thinking that most ideas for an…
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