Round 3 Gotham Debates
THB that states should prioritize highly specialized worker visas over family visas.
4 min read
New York Gotham Debates
Round 1: THB that health care is a privilege not a right. 52 teams in the tab and after a bit of a slow start due to some…
4 min read
New York Gotham Debates
Round 1: THB that health care is a privilege not a right. 52 teams in the tab and after a bit of a slow start due to some…
4 min read
VBLOG: NYC Scrimmage
<p>vblog of the scrimmage from Steve Llano on Vimeo.</p> This is an experiment mostly for Katie, a friend of mine from graduate school. She wants there to be…
4 min read
Active Learning
It's the beginning of the semester, and classes are starting to meet. Everyone is coming back and putting a nice amount of life into the campus. It's a…
4 min read
What's the Point?
It's the roughest point in the year for me. The point halfway through when I haven't been in that nice swing of things that the University schedule provides.…
4 min read
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