WUDC Round 7
This is a shot of the Yellow building common area where everyone preps outdoors. Today is the last day of prelims. All rounds are closed adjudication today. Tonight…
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WUDC Round 8
There was no food for vegetarians or vegans (I think) so the tournament was delayed for about an hour. I think this was the right call to make.…
4 min read
WUDC Botswana: After Round 6
Culture night is in full swing and I am getting ready to go to sleep. It looks great over there, lots of fun, good dancing and music, and plenty…
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WUDC Round 6
The weather is so nice now. There was a brief rainstorm and it cooled things off. Round 6: This House would deny teacher’s unions the right to strike.
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WUDC Round 4
The USU Championships showed a video promoting the US National Championship in April. The pool will be open, thanks to the presence of many trained lifeguards among the…
4 min read
WUDC Round 4
Very warm this morning already. Should be around 33C today. Everyone seems in good spirits although when the draw started rolling, a quiet settled throughout the room. According…
4 min read
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