IDAS Semis
This House believes that the ECB should have veto power over member states’ budgets.
4 min read
IDAS Quarterfinals
Here’s a photo of the quarterfinal pairing. A nice chilly and foggy morning here in Slovenia. This House believes that Arab countries should stop selling oil to France…
4 min read
IDAS Round 6
This House believes that the Roma should be recognized as the first transnational minority in the EU. Announcement about the first Spanish Worlds was made for this summer…
4 min read
IDAS Round 5
Here it is just as the competitors saw it.
4 min read
Round 4 IDAS
I smell a heavy Oxford IV influence!
4 min read
IDAS Round 3
Good morning! The snow has stopped, but it’s pretty cold. Round 3: this house believes that adoption agencies that receive state funding should give priority to same sex…
4 min read
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