HWS round 2
This house would require Amish children to attend integrated primary schools Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
4 min read
HWS round 1
This house would legalize physician assisted suicide for all mentally competent individuals requesting it. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
4 min read
Hobart and William Smith
The HWS tournament is about to begin. I will post motions and other interesting info as I find it. Now a SAMBA meeting has just been called. Gotta…
4 min read
Adelphi last round
The scrimmage is drawing to a close. Over 35 people turned up for the debates today, which really impressed me. New York City World’s debate is coming together…
4 min read
Round 2: Adelphi Scrimmage
The scrimmage has grown to three rooms and more people are coming. Some have agreed to sit out debating in order to practice giving adjudications. Round 2: this…
4 min read
Adelphi University Scrimmage Rd 1
This house would not allow women to discriminate sperm donors based on ethnicity. 2 rooms right now, but 4 after this!
4 min read
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