Round One
This House would ban for profit Universities. Off we go!
4 min read
Binghamton liveblogging
I will be using this normally slow to update, reflective space as a conduit for what’s going on at the Binghamton U tournament here in Binghamton, New York.…
4 min read
On Anniversaries, or Connecting Here and There, Now and Then
This morning I was invited to return to policy debate. A season opening scrimmage happened in Manhattan. I didn't have anything better to do, plus I have been…
4 min read
Why Debate Should be More Soto, and Why Everyone Loves Rinzai
Recently visited the Strand, perhaps one of the more famous used bookstores in Manhattan with a great friend, and while browsing the Buddhism section, I come across a…
4 min read
Debating Ellis on Intelligence Squared
It's pretty rare that I take up the opportunity to debate these days, but a couple of weeks ago I was invited to participate in an Intelligence Squared…
4 min read
Pointing at the Moon vs. Skillful Means in Debate Pedagogy (tags: debate, pedagogy, Zen)
There are two distinct and seemingly contradictory edicts in the pedagogy of Zen Buddhism. The first is the idea of “pointing at the moon.” This comes from a…
4 min read
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