Explanation Addiction
Wow. It’s nice to have access to blogger again. For some reason most of the past two weeks had me suspicious that my University had blocked blogger for…
4 min read
Unintended Hiatus
Apologies for the blog silence, but I must admit that since arriving back in the U.S. I have been enjoying a life of nearly constant work. In the…
4 min read
Good to see a scientist using his own terministic vocabulary to respond to the pop “we are our brains” discourse flooding the world. I hope this is the…
4 min read
Final Round Video of East-West Tournament, Tokyo
Click To Play Here is the final round from the East-West tournament in early June. We were invited to judge, but had some difficulty with the format. Here…
4 min read
2009 U.S. Japan Debate Exchange versus Sophia University
Click To Play The processing of videos is slower than I thought it would be, sorry for the slowness. This is a good debate to start with though.…
4 min read
Returning to my Normal life
I think I am fully recovered from what little jet lag I had. I only became very sleepy at 4:30PM yesterday so I went to the grocery store…
4 min read
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