Classroom Podcasting or Video Lectures?
Still struggling with this question. The arguments for podcasting are a lot more persuasive to me: Audio is small, easy to produce at a high quality, easy to…
4 min read
Feeling Gratitude
But everywhere I goI see it all, I see it all‘Cause everywhere I go I can’t even hide my loveI see it all, I see it allBut everywhere…
4 min read
Remembering Brad Smith
Debate has been a lot of things to me, but perhaps the most (or only) valuable thing about it has been the relationships I have made with people…
4 min read
The Week Ahead
I thought I would start making the Monday post something a bit more personal and reflective, a snapshot of where my mind is for the week, and make…
4 min read
What’s in a Debate Name?
Debate Coach makes me cringe for so many reasons. I’m not sure I can list them all here. The first concern with this term I share with William…
4 min read
We’re Hiring Someone who Does Debate, What do you Think?
The title of this post is a note I often get. I thought I’d make my common response public. Don’t hire a debate coach to run your debate…
4 min read
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