Rhetoric, Kairos, Metallica, and PBS
It’s 202o, so of course PBS is airing the San Francisco Symphony and Metallica’s second live concert together. Such a strange combination might just be evidence of getting…
4 min read
Favorite American History Documents and The Pedagogy of Argument and Debate
Two days ago, someone asked me what my favorite American historical text was. It wasn’t that weird of a question: This is the time of year where I…
4 min read
Why I am Looking Forward to Grading This Week
This seems to be a good track to start the week. Roxanne Emery is one of my very favorite singers. Kind of a dark song if you really…
4 min read
Competitive Debate is not in the Hands of Educators
The biggest issue facing the Tournament Debate Regime around the world is that they willfully exclude the educational perspective and also work to exclude educators from participating in…
4 min read
Procrasti Nation
Ok so poking around and procrastinating, I learned that the person placed in charge of publishing the Constitutional Convention of 1787 debate transcripts was John Quincy Adams. Mr.…
4 min read
Is There Anything to say about Yesterday’s Speeches?
A return to the standard formulation of political speech at the highest levels of government seems to be the message I got from yesterday’s event. Was this a…
4 min read
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