Debate and/is/as A Singularity
One of my most read essays is one that was unanimously rejected from every editor who has had a look at it. I’ve imagined re-writing it recently in…
4 min read
Is a Livestream Class a Good Idea? Doesn’t Seem to be for Me
Not a big fan of the livestreamed class, but I did one anyway yesterday. I don’t really care for the livestream as there’s a lot of stuff that…
4 min read
A New-ish Course Description for Argumentation
And a new way to describe it
4 min read
A Course Description for a Class About Argumentation
A friend of mine clued me into a new program called Gitbook, which is sort of like a blog, but more of a private journal/documentation site. I signed…
4 min read
Don’t Globalize the Journalist Epistemology
The globalization of the scientific epistemology is a daunting problem, but no less significant is the attraction of the journalistic epistemology. They might work hand in hand. The…
4 min read
Evidence-Based Debate
American policy debate fundamentalists have found a new phrase to martial in their panicked defense of their practices. I don’t know why they feel so threatened; policy debate…
4 min read
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