Grades are the Finger, Look at the Moon!
“Finger pointing at the Moon” is a famous koan that has been rewritten and offered so many times that the search for the origin of this early teaching…
4 min read
A Case of Tarmac Rhetoric
This post was originally from my previous blog, progymnasmata, and was published there on Friday, August 28, 2020 at 10:49PM. I will sometimes be reposting older blog posts…
4 min read
Required Reading is Draconian and Stupid
Professors, stop requiring reading. Instead, require engagement. Require response. Require conversation. Require a challenge. It seems incredibly sad that I have to say this, but requiring someone to…
4 min read
COVID 19 isn’t killing the University, bad Stories Are
It seems that what COVID 19 won’t eliminate in terms of higher education, Google will. The recent announcement that Google will offer certificate training in technology jobs is…
4 min read
Teaching Online
Teaching online this fall like so many others are. I have been interested in this challenge for years, and volunteered to teach public speaking and other courses online…
4 min read
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