Dangerous Classroom Assumption Three
Most dangerous teaching practices come from the assumption that the teacher is the source of knowledge in the class. This seems like a no-brainer. Obviously, the teacher is…
4 min read
Dangerous Classroom Assumption Two
I’m not sure how many of these there are going to be, but the more I think about it there are probably a lot of assumptions we make…
4 min read
Dangerous Classroom Assumption One
Teaching online has me thinking about the assumptions we make about the classroom and what happens there. I still have a classroom, but it is distributed. The classroom…
4 min read
It is supposed to feel like 110 degrees outside today so I’m staying pretty mellow inside. Cleaning out some of my bookshelves was easier than I thought it…
4 min read
Been slowly working through the videos I made in Houston and just finished this one about Kaboom books. Love that bookstore. Hope you like the video.
4 min read
Back from Houston
I was away for the weekend in Houston and had a great time with my family. Now that I’m back in New York I’m starting to realize that…
4 min read
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