Another Semester of Public Speaking
Public speaking, the class everyone must take at University (with a few exceptions such as being at an Ivy League, or being in a very professional-oriented degree) is…
4 min read
Online Public Speaking
Teaching online public speaking and trying to teach how to make web videos, like this, to my class. We’ll see how it goes. For now enjoy my recent…
4 min read
State of the Union 2019
Should we boycott the State of the Union, even if we feel that the President is a reprehensible person or a terrible figure? I don’t agree with not…
4 min read
Fallout 76 and the Lack of Creativity
The people who don’t like Fallout 76 dont’ like it for one major reason – they have to create their own story in this world. There are no…
4 min read
Trump’s Immigration Address, The Democratic Response, and Rhetorical Criticism
When Donald Trump speaks most of us do not want to listen, we feel annoyed or horrified by his attitudes, his policies, and his presence. Yet when…
4 min read
Ahistorical Debate Corrosion
Jack McCordick’s recent essay on the corrosion of debate that surfaced at the end of October didn’t blink on my radar, probably because this fall had the most…
4 min read
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