New Semester and a New Perspective
The new semester is here and it’s time to They have renamed all the donuts in the on-campus Dunkin’ Donuts and I cannot deal with it. The names…
4 min read
Who Do We Praise? A Tale of Two Passings
The eulogies will never end. Everyone is talking about the death of John McCain using the strangest language about “service” and “honor” and the like. It’s no surprise…
4 min read
Where Does Rhetoric Begin in Courses?
where should we start in class? With organization? Research? Developing an audience profile? Wherever you start teaching in a speech or argumentation or debate course, that is…
4 min read
Queens Boulevard yesterday afternoon I wanted to write this post on the subway and the bus however my mobile wireless was giving me problems. It wasn’t until I…
4 min read
Lost Technology
In reading through various meeting minutes and dictated letters from the 1930s in my recent research work, I found this great oddity: Aliens confirmed. Well, aliens by…
4 min read
To Campus
Woke up today and worked more on my long-term writing project about debating. I woke up with the question: If we are seeing a radical change in the…
4 min read
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