Infrequently Asked Questions
Circle-no-questions (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Why do I feel that coming to an event like this, ostensibly only about debating, do I find more people interested in my research…
4 min read
99 Problems, and keep them coming
Day one of the IDEA Youth Forum instructor training is over, and one thing stands out: There is no shortage of problems that you can come up with…
4 min read
I was wrong about being wrong about debate videos
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) Now, after just having written about how I think debate videos are bad, let me explain why I think it is incredibly…
4 min read
I was wrong about debate videos
(Photo credit: BLCbzyB) I am wrong about the importance of videoed debates. Not for the reasons that many of you reading this might think. I still maintain that…
4 min read
ECA: Two Thoughts from today’s conference
Enjoying the ECA Conference very much. Heard a lot of smart things today. Reflecting on them quite a bit, but I have a couple of initial thoughts. First,…
4 min read
Eastern Communication Association Conference in Boston
Minecraft Castle (Photo credit: Mike_Cooke) Rhode Island is my staging area for my first trip to the Eastern Communication Association conference. I’m giving a paper tomorrow on Minecraft…
4 min read
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