UK Tour Workshop
We hosted the British touring team this year and they presented an amazing workshop to our New York City debating family. This workshop is titled “Deep Strategy,” and…
4 min read
Academic Debate? Let’s hope not.
A student said to me, “I really wish you could write me a recommendation letter, but you haven’t ever been my professor.” This student has been studying debate with me…
4 min read
Debate Videos: A Question of “Access”
Here’s a recent email response I gave on the subject of videotaping debates, addressed to someone who asked me to remove a debate they were in that they…
4 min read
Middle School Debate: Addressing Public Audiences
Here’s a video of a middle school debate we did today on the subject of whether students should have a say in the courses that they are required…
4 min read
American Debate Sediment 3: Argument “theory”
For those unfamiliar with American debating formats, you might be surprised to learn that built into several formats is the ability to engage your opponent on the rules of debate…
4 min read
American Debate Sediment 2: Punitive Judging
This is the second of a few pieces that I am working on to try to outline what I think are the biggest hurdles that Worlds debate development faces in…
4 min read
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