How Do You Do That?
Summer goes slow around here, but what goes slow runs deep. 2 AM. I’m waiting on a bus to take me from the humid sidewalk to my nice,…
4 min read
The _______ Society
Not exactly the time for goodbyes and thank yous, but I got one today from a student unexpectedly as I sat on the campus enjoying the evening. He…
4 min read
A Break
Writing, writing away, and unaware of the time. You know how it gets you, it’s like Duke Ellington said – about it being close to midnight, and you…
4 min read
There’s Nothing Wrong With Obama
Everyone seems to love this article about what might be wrong with Obama. Many people, who are quite smart, are posting and re-posting this all across Facebook. I read…
4 min read
The NCA Alta Argumentation Conference, day 1
So far, so great! This is my first time attending the NCA Alta Argumentation conference, and it’s living up to what people have told me about it. This conference is…
4 min read
Debate Institute; Debate Camp
There’s a nice hybrid on my desk – Green Mountain Blueberry coffee in a UNT coffee mug. The combination, apparently, has driven me to the keyboard to put…
4 min read
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