workshop update

The students were fantastic yesterday and we managed to get through a ton of material and have about two hours of practice speeches before finishing up. This morning they will have a full practice debate, and then we’ll most likely do another one. We end at 2 today just because of travel arrangements.

I have a feeling this is a beginning, not an ending for these students and very soon they will have a debate program. They certainly are talented and will do very well at their first tournament. I hope it’s soon!

In other news, I have been named a DCA at the USU Nationals in Vermont in April. I hope I learn something about this whole process from it. I’m excited about it for sure and I’m happy to be working with the other folks on the team, but I hope it doesn’t take too much time away from interacting with my students during the tournament.

Well time to head over and start the last day!



One response to “workshop update”

  1. Alfred Charles Snider Avatar
    Alfred Charles Snider

    Go Steve. Create more debate! Here’s to the best of luck for Howard.