E3 presents the literature of catastrophic apocalypse
E3 is a conference where all the new games for the next year are announced and displayed. Everything looks pretty great from my perspective as a gamer. From…
4 min read
Everyone is, deep at their core, what they express. Actions speak louder than words. These ideas are very old, and very real, in the way we size up…
4 min read
I really like Goodreads and Should Post More Reviews
Upsetting Composition Commonplaces by Ian Barnard My rating: 3 of 5 stars Interesting book that takes some sacred terms in composition theory (audience, objectivity, voice, etc) and critiques…
4 min read
In Los Angeles for the Civic Debate Conference: Day 3
The University of Southern California is a very, very pretty place. Aside from the inevitable technical issues on the video call – why can’t any university just make…
4 min read
In Los Angeles for the Civic Debate Conference: Day 2 was on a Boat
A lot happened yesterday that involved good food and wine and a boat. I didn’t have the time last night (because I went immediately to sleep) to download…
4 min read
In Los Angeles for the Civic Debate Conference Day 1
the race is on! Who will get to LAX first? Flew in pretty early and arrived around noon. The last 30 minutes of the flight we were involved…
4 min read
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