Why My Modern Rhetorical Theory Course Failed Spectacularly from a Roman Rhetorical Perspective
Thankfully this semester is over and I can slowly, over time, forget the terrible course that I just “taught.” In trying to figure out what went wrong I’m…
4 min read
I Judged the Final of a Middle School Debate Competition
I was asked by the English Speaking Union to come out to NEST and judge the final debate of their middle school competition yesterday. Seems like a good…
4 min read
The False Sense of Closure
So incredibly relieved that I no longer have to deal with my Modern Rhetorical Theory class which was in every sense a total failure. I thought I would…
4 min read
Disaster Term
This semester has been the worst semester I’ve had in my whole career. When I started teaching in 1997, I thought I didn’t do a very good job…
4 min read
The Productive Bias Fallacy in Higher Education
University students are dying the death of a thousand rubrics. From daily blog posts, to discussion board questions and answers, to short papers, to quizzes, to exams, to…
4 min read
Good Debate, Debate as a Good, and Stoneman Douglas High School
Much has been said and written about the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and their sudden and violent non-consensual entry into the national gun control debate.…
4 min read
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