Public Debate or Debate
A couple of days ago, we were asked to debate the British National Team for an event held at the English Speaking Union in Manhattan. This sort of…
4 min read
#FourBookClass Challenge
Walking across the Cornell Campus talking with a colleague of mine about teaching, our conversation turned to the question on the minds of all faculty these days –…
4 min read
The Critical Thinking Wall
The wall that is always hit when teaching critical thinking is the “school assignment” wall, that limitation that says that doing these things is valuable in a classroom,…
4 min read
Strategies for Introducing Rhetoric
Lecturing again at Cornell University on Monday. The topic is an introduction to rhetorical studies; the audience is mixed undergraduates. The central problem is how to provide a…
4 min read
As the Semester Begins
A new semester is like a new start. Things have little to no association with the course that came before (unless you are one of those teachers who…
4 min read
The Three Debate Formats
Debate formats are uninteresting. The competitive distinctions are nearly indistinct. But there are three formats or ideologies of debate that are very clearly distinct. They take place in…
4 min read
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