The Artificial Divide in Teaching
The university experience can be frustrating for those seeking intellectual engagement with peers and scholars. Most of the reason for this frustration can be laid at the feet…
4 min read
Three Simple Things that would have made the Fox News GOP Debate more Debate-y
I write this fully aware that the media model of debate – the “joint press conference” as debate scholars have called it, is here to stay. And it’s…
4 min read
Plaything of Domination
There are a lot of smart people whose only conception of debating is that it is a game played by the controlling class – by those that C. Wright…
4 min read
Debate Summer Institutes
For the past three years, I have come to Houston at the end of July to teach and learn at the Houston Urban Debate League summer institute. I…
4 min read
University as Intervention Institution
Just finishing up the amazing book, Organizing Enlightenment and it has surpassed my expectations which were pretty high. The book chronicles the history of the formation of the research university…
4 min read
Simple Public Speaking Assignments
From Irvin Peckham’s excellent blog, Personal Writing in the Classroom, Here are the rules for good writing assignments: Always give writing assignments that 1. you will enjoy reading;2.…
4 min read
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